
Imperial Deities:

Within each duchy, each duchy worships the three Imperial-decreed deities. But they also have their own deities. The only two duchy flags that have purple on them are the two biggest supporters of the Emperor, Valkir and Honal. Valkir is into exchange/barter, so their deity was elevated to be a major one. And Honal is into protection of the empire, to their justice/protection deity was also elevated.

1. There is a Sun deity. He's the main deity. The Imperial heraldic symbol has a sun on it, and it's homage to the religion.

2. There's a deity of exchange/barter. He's on the tier just below the big guy. (Because of the coins on the Imperial flag, one on each side.) Exchange meaning not just money, but of ideas, of culture, of pleasantries. The deity likes fair exchange. Craftsmen are into fair exchange; they engage in act of creation but then there's the exchange for their products.

3. A deity of justice and protection would be another foundational god, same tier as the exchange deity, to help build up a religion that helps the empire survive and thrive.

Other Deities:

4. In Kelsun, Beseth is an important deity in this breadbasket, wheat-growing land to the south of the elves. And there are enough humans in the elven lands, that Beseth's clerics travel there.

5. Pinacle deity for Kirenweld (which has keys on the flag), is into safety and protection, lock up your borders to protect yourself, have lots of garrisons on the borders. It's big brother, big mother, into keeping borders safe. Winters are harsh, so protective blanket safety. They have crazy elves and creepy spider wilderness on their borders so they need safety.

6. The elven lands, Estharran: creation myth is that they were raised up from nature, they were pulled out from the natural world into their current form. Going primal is going back to where they came from. Elves are different also from the way they relate to the world, the way they have homage to the animal kingdom.

7. The kingdom Ærden (Ærden is north of Honal/far east of Kirenweld), with the double-headed eagle on their flag. They have a double-headed eagle as their deity, they say it lives on the mountain no human can climb, that's between them and Kirenweld. They have strife because Kirenweld has claimed that mountain. So their deity is vigilant, they're watchers, they want warnings. In terms of elements, they are Air; the move silently through the forests, light on the loam; when they practice guerrila warfare against Kirenweld logging attempts on their border they are like a storm passing through. Their mentality is actively watchful. The province is full of druids and rangers. They have small hamlets, lots of nomadic stuff because they have lots of forestry in the west and lots of plains in their east, and they manage the game that migrates between the two areas, browsing through the year (they don't raise them so much as manage them, they're into natural balance). Ancient trees have local air spirits keeping an area safe and growing, waterfalls coming from the glacier have a localized water spirit that tames the glacier water and keeps it running smoothly for the people and animals and trees to use. The people have animal companions. Shock's line comes from Arden.

8. Sylarith deity: (Their duke is half-serpent. Snake is symbol of gaining knowledge. The duchy is all about getting knowledge. Information. Sylarith worships the exchange god too, as they are information brokers, spies, and take in orphans (exchange) from everywhere.)

9. Dalten deity: (Duchy south of Valkir, nomadic plainsmen.)… TBD

10. Jungle duchy deity, currently reputedly a green dragon: (Their flag has a green dragon, it's been on their flag for 1300 years. It's the most isolated, primitive area of the empire; no trade except a very little with Sylarith. They mostly live in swamps. We wonder, do they mostly worship monsters? The green dragon is their only deity. The ordinary people don't care about the Imperial deities; the Imperial deities aren't real to them, their green dragon god manifests to them. They live on the three-dragon continent, that looks like dragons/snakes. There'd be an imperial ambassador, but as Sylarith told us, a human-looking guy is presented as being the duke, even though the green dragon is supposed to be in charge. Recall that we learned from Genard that people were sending out missionaries, and the green dragon was ticked off at her people for proselytizing when she wanted to keep the fact that she's in charge on the down-low. See 6-28-15 -page4 notes.)

11. West Desert duchy deity: (Remember that the two desert duchies used to be one, huge duchy. The West side guys have two curved swords on their flag, they embrace their traditional ways.) TBD deity.

12. East Desert duchy 2 deity: (This duchy during the civil war decided to be more into culture, they embraced the cultural new ways of the Imperial people to their north.) TBD deity.

13. Monstrous races deity: God of the Abyss. The monstrous races were driven underground, away. Some human people (cultists) in the mountains NE of the whirlpool have worship him, and they think that the crazy storms in the area are harbringers of the coming of the god of the abyss, god of monsters. See 11-16-13 notes about cultists, and 6-28-15 -page2 notes.