23. March 19, 2011

The party travels with the two remaining Eladrin women back to the Minotaur's lair. The women confirm that they can cross over into the Fey from here, and bring everyone with them. This is possible because the Eladrin being held captive by the Minotaur was noble, and the Fey is reaching out to her remains to reclaim her. Gunter and the rest of the group is able to determine that the Eladrin have been in this plane for more than a decade, but less than 30. The group uses the dream state to let the garrison know that they will be going into the Fey.

They step into a clearing and notice that while the clearing is pristine, it is surrounded by a ring of utter destruction. At the insistence of the Eladrin, they head towards the East. As they move forward, Kayla realizes that the bonfires are made up of 90% wood, 10% bodies and they are burning for an unnatural length of time. Glowen remembered that Marzolo used to tease him by creating fires that would burn overly-long, and that Aldrea was able to put out these fires by using the ingredients used to create them. The party is able to determine that the small clearing they entered contains the ingredients needed to put out the fires. With the ascent of the Eladrin, they harvest the ingredients and are able to create 19 doses. They use 5 to put out the fires closest to the healthy area and then settle down to rest for the night.

On the first watch, Kayla hears noise coming from the East and rouses the party. Kayla sneaks off and finds an Eladrin javelined to the ground. Glowen notices a large, threatening figure moving through the surrounding country-side. Another is following at some distance behind. The party defeats both and is able to heal the javelined Eladrin so that it is no longer on the brink of death - just suffering from a broken pelvis. The party makes their way, carrying the injured Eladrin, to Eldhurst which is largely smoking and ruined. The Eladrin indicate that they have beaten back the Shatter-Kai, but that the land is not recovering from the war.

The Eladrin there have captured a Formorian giant, and Gunter interrogates it discovering that there is an active campaign to take over the Fey. Kayla finds a map in the village sage's hut, and one of the Eladrin women tells her that the sage's Autumn totem is missing. The Eladrin do know of some volcanic tunnels in the area, and that Drow seem to be involved in whatever is going on. The noble Eladrin's body is left in the village with the Eladrin women, and the party follows the Formorian who was let go. Eventually the party sees the Formorian talking to a small creature. Glowen sneaks up to find out what they are discussing and who the little creature is - it is a Quickling. The Formorian senses Glowen's presence and a fight ensues. The Formorian is killed, and the Quickling is captured. He admits to stealing the Autumn totem and giving it to his leader (712) who travels with moon spirits, bodaks and another Fomorian (kin to the one just killed). This group is mercenary and is tasked with acquiring totems, but are basically guns for hire. The Quickling attempts to strike a deal, offering information for his freedom. He suggests that the party kill the moon spirits from a distance first, and then go after the bodaks. He also suggests that the party tell the remaining Formorian that he killed his companion, which will send him on a rampage.