
Given the volatile and powerful nature of Mon'Saerva, it is easy to see why so many pay it quiet deference, and more than a few deify it.

A massive, active island volcano marking the southwestern edge of the Harribor Empire, Mon'Saerva has been sporadically erupting for all of recorded history. Directly referenced in more than a dozen world and creation myths, no geologic feature has had more impact on life in both Civilized and Uncivilized lands. Earthquakes and ash clouds from this primordial volcano can radiate for hundreds, or even thousands of miles, impacting the lives of people who may never lay eyes on it.

Each year, at least one group of cultists, treasure hunters, or power-seekers travel to Mon'Saerva on some fool's errand. To date, none are known to have returned. The magma-produced island surrounding Mon'Saerva is incredibly unstable, frequently growing or shrinking by several square miles a month, and sudden pyroclastic flows blast superheated gases at tremendous speed a mile or more around the volcano.