Kill Aza'adikiz

Post date: Sep 05, 2010 2:18:0 PM

Aza'adikiz's, a young green dragon, was performing a ritual that would allow the Poisonscale Lizardfolk to use his power. He would then lead them against the Acidscales. His plans were defeated by the party but he fled before he could be killed.

Kayla saw him flying towards the island's east coast. Based on a Nature Knowledge check (41) and maps she has seen of the region, she knows of a few locations where the dragon may try to lair.

The Acidscales suggests that Aza'adikiz will not be able to attract Lizardfolk followers after this defeat and will no longer be a threat to them. They warn, however, that green dragons are vengeful and can grow quickly at Aza'adikiz's age. The party believes that they should hunt down and kill the dragon before he has a chance to retaliate.