03. October 10, 2009

The Party takes some time to consider the best way to approach the ancient tree. When Kayla considers what she knows about nature and determines that the tree is probably hostile to the Yaunti Malison due to their hostile nature. The Party may be more successful if they approach the tree peacefully. Darwynn is pretty sure that the tree does not worship a deity - this is simply not part of their experience. They are primal, and believe in the circle of life, of which they are a part. Shelby Thundersword's people have dealt with similar trees in the past, and knows that intimidation does not work on plants. Marzolo does not know any arcane knowledge that would help in approaching the tree. Glowen has never heard of anyone trying to bluff a tree. Shelby Thundersword has learned that talking politely and nicely to trees can help, and that trees tend to think slowly when interacting - sometimes pondering a question or an answer to a question for days. Trees are also quick to anger, and will react quickly when upset. Kayla is able to discern that insight will be more useful than nature when interpreting the reactions of the tree, but that this will be a difficult task.

The Party proceeds on their journey through Yaunti Malison territory towards the tree. Using various skills, the Party attempts to pass without being intercepted. They are successful. When they arrive in the area of the tree, they realize that they have narrowly avoided an ambush. The ambushers appear to be part of an alternate wood spirit, not allied with the ancient tree. The Party uses the element of surprise to attack the 4 wood woads, 2 owl bears, and 1 shrieking hag. Glowen killed the shrieking hag. The ancient tree appeared on the scene, and Shelby Thundersword killed one of the owl bears, while Glowen killed the other. The ancient tree, Shelby Thundersword, Marzolo, and Kayla all each killed one wood woad.

Shelby Thundersword attempts to diplomatically thank the ancient tree and ask it to tell the story of the ancient conflict between the Nemians and the Nezahualpili. The tree finally speaks in elven, stating that it doesn't understand what Shelby Thundersword is saying, but thanks everyone for helping him to destroy the hag. Kayla steps in to speak on behalf of the Party and the tree spends several days sharing what it knows of the island. The ancient conflict was not of much concern to the tree, since it didn't harm the wilderness. The Yaunti Malison seem to be calling in an other-worldy entity - the last time they called this being was when the Nemians were last in the land. Now that the Party has helped him with the hag, he can turn his attention to other matters. The tree is also aware of the dealings of the Nezahualpili with the fire people, creatures that make him very afraid (fire-based creatures from volcanoes are a serious threat to wood-based creatures). Kayla suggests that the Party should focus on the situation at the volcano while the tree should deal with the Yaunti Malison - a suggestion that the tree accepts. The creature called by the Yaunti Malison is a snake-creature with giant rainbow wings. The tree is not aware of when the Yaunti Malison return to their home, but this is because his concept of time is not in line with creatures that do not live as long. The tree has an ongoing relationship with the Myconians.

The Party considers what it knows about religion, arcana, and history and determines that the creature being called by the Yaunti Malison is a Couatl. These are primordial beings, and are the original beings of the serpent people and ultimately bread the Yaunti Malison. The Yaunti Malison served the Couatl and view them as benevolant protectors. The Nezahualpili worshiped these creatures. These creatures can use lightening, thunder, necrotic, and radiant damage, but not fire damage. There are no known vulnerabilities. They have limited ability to manipulate the Fates and can bend reality somewhat.

When Kayla asks the tree if the Party can take the flowers to help protect them against the manipulation of their dreams. 6 hours later the tree responds that if we can keep a young plant alive then he will let the Party borrow it. Kayla proves that she can keep it alive, so he gives her a single, small plant to take with her. The tree also offers to distract the Yaunti Malison so that the Party can keep the plant safe while they travel back to the Outcasts. He also asks the Party to take all of the possessions from the hag so that they no longer sully the tree's sanctuary.

Items Acquired:

    • old coins - 1,536 gold pieces

    • large chest containing residium worth 287 gold pieces

    • 6 potions of healing

    • 2 potions of vitality

    • gauntlets of brilliance

    • +2 black shroud dagger

    • bracers of defense