In Dreams

Campaign Background

1,400 years ago, the continent of Orterre consisted of two major empires and several smaller holdings. In the west stood Harat Bael, a powerful Tiefling state. And dominating the east was the vast Human Empire of Caercorald. Tensions between these two nations had risen to a fever pitch and finally boiled over when a diplomatic meeting between the two resulted in bloodshed. War came swift and brutal. For nearly 80 years the two sides fought, with the Elves, Eladrin, and Dwarves siding with the Tieflings and the Dragonborn and Halflings assisting the Humans. But in the end the Tiefling forces proved too much for the Humans, and the latter succumbed.

Not content with their military victory, the Tieflings pressed further. Whole Human cities were razed, entire populations put to death. After two years of this savagery the Human race was nearly extinct. An appeal to the Tieflings by both the Elves and Halflings halted the genocide, but turned the Tieflings instead to slavery.

And so it was that humanity, or what was left of it, was spared. The Dragonborn retreated to their eastern island nation of Anikithaan and removed themselves from continental politics. The Halflings consolidated themselves in the great southern swamp, content to trade abroad but establishing no settlements beyond its borders. The Eladrin largely retreated into the Feywild, keeping only a token presence in the vast central forest that once separated the Humans and Tieflings. The Elves remained in that forest, tending its scorched acres and rebuilding its blackened mass. The Dwarves returned to their mountain strongholds in the northwestern peaks, near the vast Icingdeep Lake. The Tieflings returned to the west, using their newly acquired slaves to build monumental cities, vast networks of roads, and fleets of ships. The few humans that escaped slavery stayed hidden and eked out miserable lives in the eastern wasteland.

Today, in the 1,379th year of Enlightenment, relations between the races have mostly stabilized. Humans are still kept as slaves by the Tieflings, but most other races tolerate (or even welcome, as is the case with the Dragonborn) Human refugees. The Empire of Harat Bael, despite its often-violent nature, has brought great innovation and prosperity to Orterre.

Two hundred sixteen years ago Emperor Mortoros, Sovereign of Orterre, Favored of Erathis, Beloved of the people, decreed that Harat Bael spread its enlightenment to the furthest corners of uncharted Ghestia. And for two hundred thirteen years only monsters from the deep and tiny, barren islands exposed themselves to the vast Tiefling armada. But on 21 Solun, 1376 the Tiefling galleon Polpos discovered a vast, lush jungle. Too big to be called an island, it was dubbed the continent of Mortoros by the late Emperor’s grandson, the current Emperor Veldukov.

Within the year, construction ships had been sent to the new world to begin the building of New Harat. Currently little more than a military garrison, the city of New Harat is expected to grow to rival its namesake in a few short years. The Knights of Bael are working tirelessly to explore and tame the surrounding lands, and are looking for volunteers.