15. July 18, 2010

Glowen sneaks into the encampment to do some recon for the Party. Both he and Kayla notice that there are digging noises coming from one of the buildings. He is seen by a Gruum, who alerts the rest of his comrades. Gunter throws a rock in a direction opposite Glowen to distract the guard, but they've been eating their carrots because they see Glowen despite his best efforts to hide. 4 Gruum warriors chase after Glowen as he tries to rejoin the party. Darwynn teleports Glowen to the party and they retreat. After Kayla shoots and kills one of the Gruum who are following the Party, the remaining 3 Gruum flee.

The Party decides to return to the encampment from a different location. Glowen begins to sneak into the camp when everyone notices that his footprints are glowing. The entire Party moves into camp single-file, with Kayla and Gunter obscuring the glowing footsteps. Still, the Party is discovered and attacked by screeching Gruum arrows and fire-filled jugs are dropped over a nearby wall. It turns out that there are 4 Gruum pyromaniacs, 2 of whom explode against Shelby before she has a chance to attack. 4 Gruum warriors also appear, along with a Gruum terrorblade, a Gruum death mage, and a Gruum warlord. 4 more pyromaniacs join the fight, along with 4 more warriors.

After a long battle, the Party defeats everyone but the warlord (Vadish). Vadish runs into the mine at the same time that the miners flee out of it. Darwynn kills the first miner, but the rest are able to escape the collapsing mine. Kayla captures 6 of the miners, who are Kobolds.