07. January 2, 2010

3 of 5 Party members want to warn the Knights of Bael at New Harat. To avoid splitting up, the entire party goes to deliver the warning by pushing through. On day 4, the Party runs into Weldon. They all return to New Harat, which is sealed with guards on the wall and in a state of readiness against outward attack. They are attacked with catapults by the guard on the wall, who appear to be asleep. Darwynn is hit by a catapult. Shelby and Glowen are able to intimidate the guards at the wall out of their dream states and into real sleep.

The Party and Weldon make their way onto the battlements and then head towards the Commander's office. Everyone within the garrison appears to be sleep walking, and they do not notice the newcomers. The entire group successfully jumps from a wall across to the roof of the Commander's building, and then swing into a third floor window. They encounter some guards. Weldon knocked one out, and Marzolo splashed water in the other's face. At this point, both guards appear to be sleeping peacefully.

On the second floor, Marzolo and Shelby fall into a dream state, and are wakened from it by Kayla. Shelby is rather unhappy at being awakened, and stomps off. She is attacked by two guards, but they are unsuccessful. She intimidates the first one and he dies. The second hits here, so she intimidates him and he dies, too.

On the first floor, Shelby barges into the Commander's office, but he is not there. She barges into the conference room across the hall and finds 7 Tifelings, including the Commander. Shelby kills 3 of them with a shout of condemnation. Kayla knocked one unconscious with a shot to the head. Weldon knocked out another. Shelby goes into the dream with the Commander and convinces him of the truth of their situation and asks him to rally his troops and fight against the dream state and come back into reality. He agrees, and in turn asks Shelby to gather the Party to find the source of the dreams and eliminate it.

The Party and Weldon enter the dream state with Weldeg standing guard over their bodies, now that he has been awakened from his dream state. Kayla sneaks forward and finds a Nezahualpili in the dream scape. She signals the rest of the group and then shoots the Nezahualpili. Several more pop out of the brush and attack the party. There are a total of 3 mages, one commander and 6 foot soldiers. Weldeg and Marzolo each kill a foot soldier, Kayla kills 2. 2 more spawn, and the Party suspects that the spawning is tied to a mage or the commander. Glowen knocked a mage unconcious. Marzolo ultimately killed off the mage responsible for the dream state, and the Party decides to wake from the dream.

The Nezahualpili will be at the garrison within a couple of hours.