01. September 6, 2009

The session opens with the party traveling to meet the Outcasts, in the hopes that they will be able to resurrect Darwynn who died in combat. Marzolo was able to guide the party through underground passages to the correct location. An Eagle Warrior greats us, and returns shortly with Patli. The party asks to speak with Papantzlin, and Patli agrees to guide the group to her. She is located in a village deep in the valley where the Outcasts live.

Patli asked if the party had seen any fire creatures. There was an ancient volcano that collapsed in on itself, and fire creatures have been seen there as have the Nezahualpili. It appears that the volcano is near the tunnels that the party uses to pass through the mountains, and the Nezahualpili are not normally that far South. It appears that they may be ready to spring a nasty surprise on New Harat.

As it turns out, Papantzlin and Patli are married with two children: Nopaltzin (son, 5) and Teicuh (daughter, 2 or 3). Aided by Shelby, Marzolo successfully convinces Papantzlin to resurrect Darwynn. Papantzlin shows a special interest in Marzolo's ability to use magic, and introduces him to Luc. Luc gives Marzolo a ritual of his choice.

Papantzlin returns to the party with a very groggy, but clearly living Darwynn. She also offers to let the party purchase rituals, leather and wood goods, alchemical formulas, and components. The Party spends the rest of the day and that night in the village. The next day, a huge feast is held and the villagers talk about The Party as the heroes who buried Matlal. The chieftain asks to meet The Party, and it turns out that Tlacelel is the father of Papantzlin. He thanks everyone for caring for his son's body, and proclaims each member of The Party Icnoyotl (friends). Shelby is proclaimed Yolotliyaotl (friend with heart who defends).

The next day, The Party makes its way into the Myconians tunnel, and Glowen smelled death as she and Kayla enter. The party sneaks into the tunnels and discovers 5 Myconian bodies with wounds all over their bodies. There are also 2 Tiefling bodies wearing New Harat scout uniforms, and strips of cloth with a dark and light red color on either side. Darwynn recognized the cloth as being similar to the cloak worn by Jelenneth. Based on footprints found at the scene, it looks possible that Jelenneth was able to escape.

One of the Myconians has a note stuck to his body with a broken-off arrow:

My dear little heroes,

I tire of your interference. I have taken a prisoner. He calls himself Muulut. Come to the chamber where you met and I'll exchange his life for yours. Fail to do this and I'll kill them all.

See you soon...


The Party attempts to track Jelenneth, but loses her in the tunnels pretty quickly. It seems that she was moving towards the North at a rapid pace. Instead, The Party decides to meet up with Devik to try to save the Myconians. Marzolo writes a note to the Outcasts to let them know that the Myconians have been attacked by a Heretic Tiefling named Devik, and they should be careful in case Devik attacks them next. Unfortunately, The Party is unsure of whether or not the Outcasts can read common.

As The Party moves over the mountain towards Devik's location they occasionally see Gruums, usually in groups of four. Kayla is able to give The Party enough warning that they can hide in time to avoid notice. Two days later, they arrive at another tunnel that will take them to the chamber, having only lost eight hours by going overland instead of through the tunnels. Kayla obtains bladders to fill with air so that The Party can breath under water while they sneak up on Devik, and Marzolo casts water walk on everyone so that they can attack from the water once they are in the chamber.

In the chamber, The Party discovers three Myconians being held by a Tiefling named Dajani, and Devik conversing with a Tiefling Shadowblade. When combat began, two more Shadowblades appeared, followed later by a fourth. After a difficult battle, The Party managed to kill the Tieflings and free the Myconians who gather the bodies of their fallen and return them to the colony by consuming them.

Items Acquired:

    • Shortsword - Runes are written in supernal - say that the sword belongs to Dajani Zharkan, and lists his lineage starting with his father (current ruler of House Zharkan, main opposition to the Tiefling emperor).

    • Gloves - Identified as Shadowfell gloves. Came from Devik. These were given to Marzolo so that he could use them to make new magical items later.

    • 4 Basic Scymitars - from Shadowblades

    • 4 Sets of Leather Armor - from Shadowblades