
At the farthest reaches of civilized lands, at the very end of the Harribor Empire, lies a small, unassuming island. Days from anywhere, weeks from anywhere anybody has actually heard of, this small hunk of rock is home to one town, several dozen large farms, a barely-staffed Imperial garrison, and a buried secret that is about to change the world.


Mon'Saerva. The World Chimney. Portal to the Plane of Chaos. The great volcano has had hundreds of names. Though few can actually see it, many witness its effects. Larger than normal waves, beaches full of dead fish, clouds of drifting ash, or far-off rumbles that are more felt than heard. To most these are ill omens. Excuses for religious sacrifice, or carnal indulgence, or simply moving families further inland. But to the inhabitants of Farhaven, these are simply reminders that they live in paradise. Too far off the trade routes for regular visitors, and too close to the volcano for an active Imperial presence, the citizens of this rocky, one-town island take everything the volcano dishes out as a blessing. Large waves? Water sports and washed up treasures from the deep. Dead, slightly boiled, beached fish? Free food! And ash to fertilize the fields, and tremors to keep life and structures and possessions simple. So it was with less-than-warranted alarm that Farhaveners noticed that the largest tremor in anyone's recollection had caused a portion of the eastern island to fall off into the sea, exposing the ruins of a long-buried, long-forgotten citadel.

As the months went on, more and more tremors shook the island, and more and more of the buried citadel became exposed. "Someday", the optimistic citizens thought, "maybe they'll be a whole new town over there!"

The local Imperial garrison was equally pleased. "Maybe this 'assignment' to the edge of nowhere is finally paying off", they told each other. "Maybe there's ancient treasure inside! Maybe there's something so valuable it'll get us recalled to Harr!"

The Imperial soldiers never returned, and the townsfolk simply shrugged. "Imperial greed" they agreed publicly. But privately, they began to wonder. "What if something 'got' them? What if it's not just a citadel being exposed? What if there's something in the ruins?"

Private speculation turned to public questioning when the outlying farmers began to disappear. Then to open demands when houses were broken in to and entire families were abducted in the dead of night. Something is in the ancient citadel, and it's coming for the citizens of Farhaven!


"Farhaven is lost... unless we who remain do something."

Favros Deen surveyed the assembled crowd and smiled. His dramatic pause had provoked just the reaction he was after. Angry murmurs rumbled through the sea of onlookers and more than a few of those gathered raised their fists or shouted encouragement.

"Storm the ruins!"

"Bring our farmers back!"

"Save my son!"

The mayor held his hands high, pleading for silence. "Please, please. Friends. We all agree that action must be taken. But with the garrison depleted and no regular Imperial contact, it falls to us and us alone to rescue our fellow Farhav'ners."

"Who among us will rise to this challenge? Which of you will risk your life for your neighbors? Who will return to Farhaven a hero?"

He squinted his aging eyes at the suddenly silent crowd. "Oh come on, now! These are your neighbors, your friends. Do you not think they'd do the same for you? If you don't stand up and rescue them today, put an end to this menace once and for all, who do you suppose will be willing to rescue you tomorrow?"

The scattered whispers of a scared populace were nearly drowned out by the cries of gulls and the gentle rustling of dusty clothes in the sea breeze. After an impossibly long pause, one dirt-covered farmer stepped forward. "I will."

The crowd nodded its appreciation. "Well said."

"And I."

"I'll go."

"Fine! Fine. Don't push. I'll go."

"Save our neighbors!"

"Save Farhaven!"

One by one, the bravest of Farhaven's remaining citizens came forward, urged on by the cheers of the eldery, the young, or the cowardly. Mayor Deen smiled, his first true smile of the morning. "Thank you. Thank you all! You shall save our town, our island, our people. You will show that which lurks in shadows, which hunts by night, that this was the wrong town to spur to action. Those taken will be returned or avenged, and evil will be defeated! We will shout to the world that Farhav'ners care for their own, and woe betide any man or beast that seeks to do us harm!! Onward then, heroes!! Farhaven stand behind you!! Onward to victory!!!"