05. November 21, 2009

Marzolo is raised from the dead by the Myconians and the Party returns to the caverns under the volcano. As the Party enters the hallway to the cavern, they notice that one of the passages has been sheered into a perfect square shape. Kayla and Glowen scout ahead in the square shaped tunnel. They did not find anything of interest.

Marzolo used his fire shield spell and ran into the room with the partially summoned fire golem and successfully reconfigures the runes to unsummon the golem. The Party then turns its attention to the square shaped tunnel. Upon examination, Kayla found tracks, Darwynn determined that the square shape could have been made by acid, and Marzolo determined that it could have been done by a black pudding, an ooze, or a gelatinous cube. Darwynn looks further and determines that it was most likely done by a gelatinous cube, and Marzolo believes that it is an adult of the species. Marzolo casts light on a javelin and Glowen throws it down the hall to light the way for the Party. Eventually, they come across a cavern littered with tens of thousands of bodies worth of very old human bones with signs of trauma.

As the Party watches, one of the piles of bones shifts and moves. Marzolo fires off a scorching burst at the moving pile, and reveals an otyugh - a creature that eats pretty much anything, especially organic material. They also have poor reflexes, and can spread disease. 2 more otyugh appear, along with 3 carrion crawlers and a gelatenous cube. Kayla, Glowen, and Shelby each kill an otyugh, Glowen killed a carrion crawler while Shelby kill two more, and Kayla eventually killed the gelatinous cube after she and Darwynn had been sucked into it and carried off down the square hallway. Shelby contracted filth fever from the otyugh, but after an extended rest and encouragement from Kayla, she was able to shake off the disease.

Darwynn took some samples of the gelatinous cube to see if she can use it for alchemical components. The Party searches the remains in the cavern, has a victory celebration, and blesses the remains to put them at peace and creates a "tombstone" to commemorate the dead. Marzolo, having been hit numerous times, now knows enough about how carrion crawlers poison their prey to remove enough to coat a weapon with poison.

Items Acquired:

    • Poison - good for a single hit, +10 vs. fortitude, slows, +5 poisoin damage, on the first failed save the target is imoblized instead of slowed, on the second failed save the target is stunned instead of immobilized

    • 1 vitality potion

    • 4 healing potions

    • 5,018 gold pieces worth of miscellaneous coin

    • Suit of cloth armor - Fireburst armor +2 (went to Marzolo)

    • Scabbard - Scabbard of Sacred Might (went to Glowen)