08. February 13, 2010

After waking from the dream, the Party instructs the soldiers to construct a palisade as a second line of defense to prevent people from crossing over the wall onto the commander's roof. Darwynn blesses the soldiers, and tells them to retreat to the East if the fort is overrun. Kayla then gives them a pep talk claiming that they will not need to retreat because they will win.

The Party leaves the fort via water to swim around to land to sneak up on the Nezahualpili who were creating the dream state. Kayla enters the dream state, while the rest of the party cradles her and carries her forward towards the enemies. Darwynn scouts for the group during this time. Kayla is able to determine a general direction, based on a "pull" sensation towards the Northwest (where there are Dark Goblin caves). She wakes and asks Glowen to enter the dream state with her. Marzolo calls a Tenser's floating disc to put their bodies onto while the Party continues to move in the direction of the "pull". Together, they are unable to locate anything more specific. Darwynn enters the dream state with Kayla to see if she can be of any help. She is able to locate dream chatter in the Dark Goblin caves, where someone is talking to someone not in the caves. Neither of them can locate the other person being talked to.

The Party proceeds to the caves and Kayla locates a guard outside of the cave. Glowen is unable to locate any additional guards. Glowen and Kayla sneak up on the guard and attempt to knock him out. Glowen dazes the guard then Kayla dispatches him and hides the body. The Party locates the rat tunnels and listens to determine that there is squeaking from the tunnels. Mostly, the squeaking seems to come from normal sized rats, but there is an occasional noise that could be made by a dire rat. Kayla collects dung from rats and puts it into Darwynn's pack. She then enters the dream state to scout out the cave but has no luck. She instead turns to scouting the cave the "old fashioned" way. Glowen and Kayla go into dream state and can detect no other dreamers in the cave.

The Party locates a room in the cavern that contains 8 foot soldiers, 2 commanders, and an elemental mage. Marzolo kills 4 foot soldiers, Darwynn kills 2 foot soldiers, Shelby kills a foot soldier, Kayla kills a commander and the mage and Glowen kills the second commander. Darwynn searches the room and finds a healing potion, a +1 amulet of protection, and a map of troop movements. As it turns out, the dream infiltraters were here, a secret fire weapon is on the way now and may already be at the fort, and the main force of the army was scheduled to come in about 5 days after that to finish the battle. Marzolo picked up the mage's staff.

The Party decides to finish searching the cavern to ensure that all of the Nezahualpili dreamers have been eliminated. Shelby notices that there are two sets of footprints going deeper into the cavern and then returning. Glowen and Kayla explore the rest of the cave while Darwynn heals Marzolo and Shelby. Shelby then enters the dream state, locates two sleeping garrison guards, and warns them of the fire weapon through their dreams. She then commands them to wake and pass her message along to the commander and Weldon. Meanwhile, the rest of the Party travels to the garrison while searching for the fire weapon. They find the garrison in a state of readiness for a fire attack, and the Party prepares to enter the dream state to try to foil the wielders of the fire weapon.