25. April 30, 2011

The party is transported into the Yaunti stronghold. Darwin, Kayla, and Shelby find themselves in the middle of a Yaunti archery practice. They kill all but one of the archers who runs away. The party makes the attack look as though the Yaunti had mutinied against their instructor and then they move further into the facility. They take out several more Yaunti and snakes as they try to make their way to the place where Jellenith is being held. As they move through the complex, they come across a Yaunti/bi-ped hybrid who is being held prisoner. After being released, she leads the party to her hideout and tells her that a winged serpent was recently born into the complex. This one seemed to be lacking entirely its connection to the Fey, and some felt that this was due to a problem in the natural order on the island. Some decided to try to leach the Fey out of an Eladrin to try to awaken the connection in the winged serpent. Jellineth seems to fit this bill. There are concerns that an Anathema will come soon to restore the culture of the Yaunti, since so many are restless and opposed to each other. The purpose of the winged serpent is to act as the Great Destroyer, and bonding with an Eladrin will utterly destroy the Eladrin. The first target of the winged serpent (Couatl) will be to destroy the Anathema and all of its followers. If the Couatl is released, it poses a threat not just to the island, but to the entire world. While the Yaunti cannot oppose either creature for religious reasons, the party may be able to stop them. If released, neither creature will stop destruction until their hunger is sated.

The party decides to rest and then explore the complex using the dream state.