09. February 27, 2010

The Party is awoken by some of the guards in New Harat, alerting them that something is approaching the garrison. As they rush out of a building, a charnal cinderhouse crashes into another building. The Cinderhouse was soon joined by charnal rats and a charnal hound. As guards died, they were turned into zombies. Glowen killed the Cinderhouse and the charnal hound. Meanwhile, 4 shadow blade tieflings from House Zharkhan joined the fight. The tieflings killed Marzolo, then Shelby killed 3 of the tieflings, and the fourth ran back to the portal building. Kayla and Shelby pursued the last tiefling, and Kayla killed him with an arrow just as he entered the portal. The Party then works with the rest of the guards to put out the fires set by the arrival of the charnal cinderhouse.

In the end, many are dead but the garrison, while somewhat damaged, is still standing. After funerals are complete, the commander struggles with a decision: should the garrison destroy the portal, stay on the island, and mount an effort to wipe out the Nezahualpili, or should they all go through the portal and return to their homeland. The Party decides to support the decision to stay on the island, and (despite Darwynn's horrific behavior) Shelby is able to convince the commander that this is the correct path. The commander indicates that this means they are at all out war with the Nezahualpili and that they will need allies.

Items Acquired:

    • 3 Flame Roses (reagent spent when a power with the fire keyword of up to 7th level is used. Target takes ongoing 5 fire damage)