Harribor Empire

The Harribor Empire is the pinnacle of civilization, or so it's citizens are told. A highly evolved sense of self-importance and a rigid system of social stratification are imperial hallmarks. Though it has it's critics, life inside the Empire is often better than life outside it.

All lands within the Empire are structured into tiers, each being comprised of a varied number of subordinate or superordinate territories. Globally, all lands are under the domain of the Empire, which is ruled by the Emperor. The Empire is divided into large regions, often pieces of conquered kingdoms and the like, called Marcs. Each Marc is ruled by a Marctori; each appointed by the Emperor. Marcs, in turn, are comprised of Domans, typically between five and twenty, depending on the importance, location, and population of the Marc. These Doman are ruled by a Domaniri; each typically appointed by the local Marctori. Domans are themselves comprised of smaller, more homogenous territories called Pulos. Each Pulos is ruled by a Pulotarch, who does so with the approval, though not necessarily direct appointment by the local Domaniri. And finally, in some parts of the Empire, a Polus may contain one or more Vexus. These are often no more than isolated towns in safe but undesirable locations. Each Vexus is ruled by a Vexiar, though many of the inhabitants of a Vexus are unfamiliar with the term. Most Vexiar are elected by the local populace, or inherit their title. Very few are appointed by a Pulotarch, unless necessary.